Sunday, November 1, 2009


Welcome to a new blog where I will be ranting and raving about the Art of Hand and Foot Fighting or Tae Kwon Do to you and me. Nothing presented here is meant to be exhaustive or authoritative. Just my thoughts and opinions ( for what they're worth ) on this fantastic Martial Art. Comments are always welcome and actively encouraged.

Don't worry about what style you practice or which organisation or not that you belong to. This is a friendly place where I just wish to share and hopefully learn a little more than I did before. Now that I've got your attention :-) here are just a few of the topics I will be covering over the next few posts and beyond:

Did you know that originally there were only 8 Kup grades and that 7th Dan was the highest rank?

Did you know that originally the coloured belts consisted only of white and brown?

Did you know that General Choi didn't create all the Patterns by himself?

Did you know that Shotokan katas were practised by the early students?

So there you have an idea of where I'll be taking this blog. However , history aside , I will also be chatting about fundamental exercises , self defence , chambering , stances , blocks , thrusts , kicks , etc. In short anything and everything to do with Tae Kwon Do. Talk soon!

Tae Kwon!


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